Medianwp Themes for WordPress

Medianwp Themes for WordPress

Medianwp Plus UI Themes is designed with a dashboard UI concept, Themes are more recommended for use on personal blogs, a simpler design but has high readability is a plus of these Themes.

The menu display is also made different from other Themes, MedianWP Plus UI carrying the concept of 3 columns. the first column is devoted to the navigation menu that can reduce the width of the navigation. second column to display blog posts and third column to display widgets.

Features MedianWP Plus UI

  • Easy To Customize
  • Unlimited Colour
  • Fast Loading
  • Seo Friendly
  • Responsive
  • Ads Optimize
  • Dark Mode Fitur
  • Automatic Table Of Content
  • And More

Medianwp Themes for WordPress
Medianwp Themes for WordPress
Medianwp Plus UI Themes is designed with a dashboard UI concept, Themes are more recommended for use on personal blogs, a simpler design but has high readability is a plus …
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